Saturday, February 4, 2012

FNC Face 2-3-12

Let me know if this is helpful. Having it here on the blog, you can see the photos much clearer. Youtube downgrades the photos during processing. Click each photo to make it larger. You can also see more of the Maybelline eye shadows here. Thanks for stopping by ;-)

Lips: Milani Lip Flash - Flashy

Black Opal Cream Stick Foundation
Heavenly Honey & Nutmeg

Blush: MAC Mineralize Skin Finish - Metal Rock

Eyes: Maybelline Color Tattoo - Audacious Asphalt
Inner Eye: White Eye Shadow
Outer Eye: Black Eye Shadow
Eyeliner: L'oreal Hip Cream Eyeliner - Black

You Might Also Like:
Maybelline Color Tattoo 24 Hour Eye Shadows


  1. These photos look like they belong on the cover of a magazine!! Flawless

    1. Awww, Thanks so much girl. Hope you're having a good weekend despite being in the hospital with your Mom. I've been keeping you & her in my prayers.

  2. Replies
    1. Thanks so much Lisa. I really appreciate it. Now that I don't have to worry about clients anymore, I'm hoping to get a bit more creative with it. Let's see what happens, o_O


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