Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Why I like to mind my business at work

I have been employed in the Investment Banking field for 15 years and believe me, I have picked up quite a few lessons along the way. I will share my thoughts from time to time regarding Corporate America, starting with this post. People LOVE to gossip!

I'm not just talking about celebrity gossip either, I'm referring to the person that sits next to you 5 days a week. The one who knows how hard you work and the sacrifices you have made for the sake of firm, yet they will accuse you of suckin', cluckin', and buckin' for the next promotion. Office gossip can lead you to believe that no one earns their promotion any more, there's always a story.

The perfect timing of eyes meeting another set of eyes... should brows rise, you've been scheduled for a meeting! Subject: You! Time: As soon as the victim is out of ear shot! Importance: High priority!

God forbid you have a moment of weakness because you and your spouse had an argument last night. I should pray that God grants you the wherewithal to grin and bare it until it's time to go home. Do your best to peel your lips away from your teeth and smile at whomever the fuck's walking past you because just like sharks are able to smell blood from miles away, your co-workers are waiting to tear your character into shreds. The insatiable desire for gossip compliments their morning coffee quite deliciously.

I could go on making up all types of funny shit about office folk, but it all boils down to this: Most people are either unable or too lazy to think for themselves. This is the breeding ground for the mob mentality and I do not subscribe.

I've learned to keep my ears open to everything. An introvert by nature, I prefer to keep corporate cackling at arms length. When asked about my personal life, my answer is always the same, "Fine". How was your weekend? How did you spend your vacation? How's your family in Barbados? "Fine, Fine... [Most of my relatives in Barbados are dead, but they are rotting in the ground]...just fine, how about you?"

Navigating your way through Corporate America is a game called Networking. If you don't play it, you will get played. Since I choose to spend very limited time networking, I have suffered blows to my corporate career. You see, I don't care that Susan is currently in a coughing frenzy trying to dislodge the boss's pubs from her larynx. I just want to do my job and go home to my family at the end of the day.

Unless said activity is illegal or interferes with my job responsibilities, I Mind My Business.


  1. I hear ya. I can relate. But as an older person, I can tell you(and I think you already know) that to invest in yourself. Because at the end of the day, many corporate jobs and government ones reward those who play the game, even though they may not deserve it. So continue to save for those rainy days(as my grandma once told me) because one day you'll get tired of the drama and be totally ready to do something for yourself. You're so talented and bright. It seems the people who go to work to do the job with the most talent are the ones who, often, don't get rewarded. Many companies would be much better off if they rewarded the true workers and talented ones. This country is suffering from bad management and human resource decisions.
    I wish you the best of luck. Thanks for posting.

    1. "Invest in yourself" <--- Amen to that. When all is said and done, we have to make sure that we prepare ourselves for life after said job, said position, said corporation. I have so much more to say about this topic. More to come. Great comment!

  2. Good post. Big high five for "Most people are either unable or too lazy to think for themselves." After a gazillion years in corporateland and more years than is healthy in Investment Banking I guess my advice to any youngster would be "It's a game. You play or don't play. Your choice. Be happy with your choice." And then I'd order another beer.......

    1. It's a game. You play or don't play <--- Sooo true but it's not always easy to be happy with your choice when you have responsibilities. Either way, a glass of wine at the end of the day is a good thing.

  3. Um yea, I don't think I have the personality to play those office games. I guess I'm glad I'm lucky enough to work for myself and in a profession where that will get me nowhere. For me the office is just that: the office, a job. It's not my life.

    1. Same here, the office is not my life. If I could make my same salary vlogging and blogging, I'd be out of there in a heartbeat. Unfortunately, it's Sunday night and I have to get ready for work tomorrow. I'm thankful to have a job but I certainly don't jump out of bed in the morning to get there. I really gotta get focused on winning the lottery, LOL.

  4. Maximuslyricus: Girl you cracked me up talkin bout Susan and da boss's pubs! You are a riot! You're right about the need to network in order to advance. I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's suffered on the corporate ladder because of the refusal/inability to kiss a** - I mean, network!

    1. I guess I do have a way with words from time to time, LOL. Truth be told, I'm starting to look at Networking differently, more strategic... sorta like a chess game.


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